Tourism in Balochistan
Tourism in Balochistan is a developing industry, and is managed by the Tourism Development Ministry of Balochistan. Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan in size comprising 44% of the country’s land mass but smallest in population. Balochistan is known for its long coastal belt which extends from Karachi through Sonmiani, Ormara, Kalmat, Pasni, Gwadar, Jiwani and all the way up to Iran. It is also popular for its hill tops and rugged mountainous terrain. Balochistan is not much visited and not much marketed as tourism destination in the world. No doubt it has enormous potential to attract the world, especially for those who are keen to see nomadic tribal cultures and life.
Tourism in Balochistan is vital to trace its history from times immemorial when it was inhabited by Stone Age hunters. According to French Archaeologist Professor Jarrige, by 6,000 BC farmers on the Bolan River were cultivating barley, wheat and dates using floodwater and storing their surplus in large mud bins. The people here were growing cotton and making pottery. Before the birth of Christ, it had commerce and trade links with ancient civilization of Babylon through Iran and into the valleys of Tigris and Euphrates. Alexander the Great (326 BC) had an encounter with the Sibia tribe of Balochistan. Muhammad Bin Qasim (an Arab invader 711 AD) and Mehmood Ghaznavi (11th century AD) also invaded Balochistan resulting in the development of Muslim character. Even today most tribal people of this province resemble Arabs and the inhabitants can be quite a fascinating subject of study by anthropologists.
Tourism in Balochistan is full of tourist attractions. Quetta is the capital city of Balochistan and an important cultural center in the region with its diverse landmarks; the port of city of Gwadar is a quickly developing town that aims to serve as a key hub of future industrial and shipping activity and obviously for tourism industry aswell. The desert safari of Taftan, the ferry service of Gwadar, the parks and restaurants in Chaman and the hotels and open recreation spots in Jiwani, Pasni, Ormara, Ziarat and Zarghoon provide a diverse blend to the tourist experience in Balochistan. We as tour operator and Tourism Company are specialized to design Pakistan tour packages for your desired tours to Balochistan.